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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />please read this pnms<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I love these people who come up with their own biased rankings and post them expecting everyone to follow their god like authority. The point of greek life isn't to join the hottest chapter. When you go through recruitment ask about their creed. Find out what their overall gpa is. What do they do for their philanthropy? If you like to party all the time go for the chapter that does that. If you're big into community service find the chapter that does the most. And the most important thing, is don't judge any house on the individuals you talk to during recruitment. Everyone is putting on a show, so take the facts and make judgements based on that. Like I said, ask the questions about GPA, what kind of mixers they have, how many service events they do. I made the mistake of picking what everyone called the hottest chapter, thinking that meant they MUST be the coolest. Looking back, if i'd paid any attention to the facts I would have known that I belonged somewhere else.
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