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Yep I said it

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I am sorry, but I cannot help but support Dean Bigger and Dean Hammitt on this one. As a first year student here in a "strong" sorority, I have not even been able to get over how horrible the greek system is here and have thought about going inactive every day. A school this size does not need to create "clicks" here in the way the greek system does and exclude people the way it does. This school is the size of a high school and can you only imagine how hurtful it would be to be "cut" and told you're "not good enough" for something? It makes my skin crawl that next year I will have to tell girls that they want to be a part of my organization no. I know that some would argue that everyone finds their place, but I have plenty of friends that wound up without bids this year, which is crazy because half the sororities here did not even make quota? The administration is doing its best to make wofford an inclusive community and students here are "upset" because they cant hang flags or label themselves, or hang out in houses that only their selected members are allowed in? Sounds like kindergarten to me. The students here think they know everything and if they would only listen to where the administration is coming from....Just my two cents.
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