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Poster Name:
Greek Alumni

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Greek Alumni Power<br /><br /> Poster Message:
It’s time to show the IGNORANT anti Greeks and administration the true power of Greek Alumni who basically run the government and big business. It’s time to flex our muscle and insure NONE of the anti-Greek instigators to EVER find a job in business. Of the Fortune 500 companies EVERY one was either founded or has had aCREO or President running the company that was Greek. Over 70% of Congress, and governors were Greek, Over 70% of Presidents and VP of the US since the advent of the Greek system are Greek Alumni . Since the early 1900’s around 90% of the US Supreme Court were Greek.! OVER 90% of University endowments are from Greek Alumni!. It’s time to get YOUR alumni involved and make sure none of these CLUELESS Anti-Greeks EVER find a job and find out if their parents or sibling work for an alumni controlled company and have them fired. It’s time for Greek Alumni to withhold monetary support until anti-Greek administration and faculty are fired. HP, Intel, Amazon, Walmart, Google, Microsoft, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, Disney, Johnson and Johnson, Costco, Home Depot, Macy’s, Time Warner, Facebook,Snapchat, CitiBank, Bank Of America, Chase, JP Morgan, Charles Schwann, are just a tiny fraction of businesses founded or run by Greek Alumni. It’s time to contact your alumni to make sure these ignorant idiots never find a job and to fire their parents or siblings. Contact your alumni it’s time to roll some heads, there is already a plan in place to fire Harvard’s anti-Greek president she will soon be out.
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