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Soror Active

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />dear freshmen girls- i promise we are nice!<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hey everyone, Today was my first time on GreekRank. I overheard someone in a different sorority talking about this website last night. I just wanted to say that I'm saddened and shocked by some of these posts. This website is completely unrepresentative -- if I were a freshman, there is no way I would possibly want to rush ANY sorority after scrolling through. This website is making greek life seem exclusive, competitive, mean, and dramatic-- none of which are things that I have experienced being in a sorority myself here. Being in a sorority is my favorite things at Stanford, and regardless of which one you are in, I think many people feel the same way. Not only do I have very close friendships in my own sorority, but in other sororities as well. I tend to find that the entire greek system is very uplifting of one another-- participating in each other's philanthropy events, sharing joint parties (like formals), and are generally pretty friendly around campus. of course there are always going to be fun rivalries between different sororities, especially this close to rush. But in my experience, it's hardly more dramatic or mean than that. Please don't judge sororities based on stereotypes, or be afraid that people will judge you based on which sorority you're in-- every sorority is wonderful and most people are very happy!
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