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Poster Name:
honest pc11

Poster Message:
Let me start off by saying I am 100% percent AGAINST this thread and many of the things that are said purely to hurt girls from chapter to chapter. Every chapter has weaknesses. Every chapter struggles with something. The truth is, these things are internal, and no one outside of these organizations will actually understand what's going on unless they are on the INSIDE--everything else is just speculation. Winning certain competitions do not determine how strong a sisterhood is. Getting a certain GPA does not determine how strong a sisterhood is. Numbers going "up" or "down" does not determine how strong a sisterhood is. These things are purely PUBLIC OPINION. Granted, we are apart of a social organization--but if you're in it for the right reasons, you understand that you will never be able to fully understand any chapter but your own--because you love it for what it means to YOU, not what it means to anyone else. My advice for girls checking this website to see which chapter is the "tip top tier-ed" sisterhood on campus: find out for yourself. Get to know these girls. Speak to them. Interact with them. Find where you belong. I did for myself and, I have never been happier. Sincerely, A "Mid-to-Bottom" Tier
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