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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />honest rank of of fraternities <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Top tier: sig chi- one of the only fraternities that is consistent is sig chi. While other chapters seem to differ every couple years you pretty much get the same result year in year out. Guys that love to party and are sociable, has a decent pledgeship, and is pretty good at IM’s. Most sorority girls either love them or hate them but general consensus is they’re the best. Lower top: pike- pike has gone down considerably over the past years. Before they were the ripped athletes now they look like if you have a pulse you get a bid. While they will always be a popular choice simply because the name, of they don’t become more selective and work through the internal issues then they could drop very quickly. Upper mid: Sig Ep- half the time you see someone wearing their letters and you are genuinely confused because you’ve never seen them before. They always seem to have decent athletics and a pretty good rep socially. Recent issues have caused them to lose the momentum they had going but they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Mid: sig nu/lambda chi- both of these fraternities got screwed with probabations and suspensions which sucks because these were the two fraternities that had the most potential. They both have great brotherhoods, sig nu is better in sports and lambda is better with grades, and they both have a good social presence but not nearly as big as the top three. They both have potential to do big things it’s just a matter if they can pull it off. Lower mid: sig tau- super fun fraternity when they do things the only problem is you hardly ever see or here of them doing anything. Seem to get along with everyone but need to do more things if they want to stay relevant. Lower: Tke/phi delt- while they are actively trying to improve their chapter they just aren’t there yet. Tke has made the biggest improvmwnts this year when they became competitive in sports. Socially they are unheard of and have little to no presence at all. If they can snag a few pledges from other fraternities they might be able to build around that. Bottom: delta chi- they’ve been on suspension for a long time and have practically no members now. With the rep they’ve had it’ll be a miracle if they are able to survive this year.
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