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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />accurate description pt.3<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Their parties are better than most fraternities on campus, however they don't typically get as large as some other fraternities on campus. Their biggest stereotype is that they are pushovers/tools. This most likely stems from their southern roots (they are very southern) in which some of their customs are viewed as "queer" by northerners. They are a very solid fraternity overall, however certain fraternities do not view them in such a good light for their demeanor (primarily the northern fraternities) Delta Sig: Great grades, great involvement around campus and competitive in sports. On paper these guys are arguably the best fraternity on campus. However, their social scene isn't very relevant on campus. They do not have parties nearly as often as the other fraternities and their focus seems to be shifted elsewhere. They are very comparable to ATO in their demographics, primarily central and southern Kentucky (a very southern fraternity). The biggest stereotype is also very similar to ATO because of their southern roots and a lot of times viewed as pushovers. Also, they have a lot more diversity in their chapter being one of the few fraternities on campus with Indian kids and other races in their fraternity, which can be viewed either as a negative or positive. Overall a great fraternity, but lacks social presence on campus.
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