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Poster Name:
John-Sean Williams

Poster Message:
Hi guys, my name is John-Sean Williams and I'm rushing this fall. I heard UK guys are really fratty! I'm really excited to meet y'all. Me and some of my brosephs were talkin about what fraternity we were gonna rush and my buddy Luke was like "I sure as heck ain't rushin no fraternity ranked lower than number 5!" I told him "if you ain't first you're last and I ain't rushin nothin lower than #1." Yeah...we talk in double negatives. Call the grammar police. He says I have an inferiority complex and that's why I need to constantly reaffirm that I'm #1 in everything I do, even if ranking fraternities is impossible because each fraternity offers a unique experience. What a modern day Freud he is... What does he know? He's probably gonna end up being a middle-tier uncontributing member of society the rest of his mundane existence. It's not like he can develop best friends, assume leadership positions, have a social life, participate in intramurals, host philanthropy/participate in community service, and learn a set of values in most of the fraternities on campus right! Anyway, I just wanted to thank whoever posted these rankings. Thanks, man.
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