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what to wear

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WEDNESDAY: PREFERENCE DAY!! This is they day for your cutest dress and pair of heels. Wear something that makes you look and feel great because this will be the last day to make your impression on the sorority. THURSDAY: BID DAY!!! Obviously wear a white dress. Make sure your hair and make up is done because there will be lots of pictures this day! TIPS: Bring a purse with you everyday, trust me, you will not be judged for this. It doesn't need to be huge but I highly recommend being able to fit a small brush, deodorant, body spray, small mirror and whatever make up your think you would want to retouch in your purse. The days are long and hot and you will want to freshen up whenever you can. Also keep a pair of flip flops in your purse for when you are walking to the different houses
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