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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />top 10 breakdown<br /><br /> Poster Message:
As of now this is my somewhat detailed break down of a top 10 as of now.. Yes all the fraternities and sororities are going to have their flaws. Rutgers does not have a great greek life to begin with but who says we can't make it better? 1) TDX -TDX has a great house right on CA. They have a lot of brothers and always exceed numbers needed. They have killer parties and they are social and involved. However, their brotherhood is mediocre because of some brothers not knowing their own brothers and hazing pledges hard. They are shy of getting kicked off campus or out of the house as we speak. 2) Theta Chi -Also have a lot of brothers and exceed numbers needed. Also involved and have good parties. They are very shy to having number 1 spot because of their house location. It's not that great and the house does not live up to the TDX house. However, if TDX gets kicked off or moves to a bad location. Theta Chi will definitely be number 1. 3) DKE -DKE, although a smaller fraternity compared to TDX and Theta Chi, they aren't your typical brotherhood. They have class and actually dress business casual for rush events where other fraternities don't really do this, at least I've seen. Yes some might be weird but NOT ALL OF THEM ARE. I saw over 50 people at one of their events at once. Let's be honest here, Houses have a lot to do with greek life at rutgers and attract a lot of attention. They will most likely throw killer parties. A lot of people say they have potential to be #1
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