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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />transferring fraternity rush questions<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hey so I know these questions have been asked and answered repeatedly on here but here they are. 1, Transferring for next Fall from Junior College, is there an average GPA cutoff for Fraternity's? I saw somewhere on here someone say they will go as low as 2.0, but the IFC site states its a 2.8 cutoff for transfers. 2,I would really like to live in house for the Fall so I would much rather receive a bid over the Summer, is Summer Recruitment very big/active? 3, Other then just be yourself what are some tips for when first meeting actives at an event. Is there anything in particular you look for when meeting a rushee? 4, How exactly is the Rush process whether its formal or informal. Is it basically you go to the events and talk to actives to find out more and make impressions then your either contacted again if your made a good impression, or not contacted and your supposed to "get the hint" 5, This is a rather feminine question so sorry, but for clothing what are you thoughts. For example, if I normally dress preppy and wear polo's with khakis and sperrys, will I be overlooked because I look like i'm being a try hard? Even if it is just how I am. Thank you in advance for all who take the time to read through and answer these boring questions
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