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The HUGE flaw in this is that theta, pi phi, Aphi, gphi and kd and some others all CHEAT in recruitment, aka they make girls feel special and confident and like they will fit in there by lying and saying they agree with everything that the PNM likes (no joke, this is a tactic my friend said that they force them to do in recruitment, she hates but she has to do it). So whether or not they actually like you or have something in common with you or your personality, truth of it is it all boils down to if they think you're rich or hot enough. They want wealthy pretty girls. And they're gonna do whatever it takes to get the prettiest girls...every single one of the houses mentioned above has been pinned in the past for dirty rushing, and they most likely still are dirty rushing... Which includes bid promising, texting the PNMs that they can't wait to see them tomorrow, inviting them back over after rounds have ended, that sort of thing. The levels of dishonestly among these girls is why I absolutely would never want to be in their house. I know that no matter how happy or confident they make me feel, I would dread having to wake up and fall asleep among people that in reality are judging me and don't actually like me... I would never be able to be my true open book self, which in the long run is absolutely debilitating to a persons health.... Pretending to be someone that you're not just for the sake of being in a house of rich spoiled girls.
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