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Unfortunately, the amount of girls rushing does affect your own personal chances, that's just how it is. Whoever said Panhellenic quota increases in incorrect, most houses physically cannot hold a PC 16 of over 40, and on average I would say they can only hold around 30-35 new members anyway. 18 houses (not including aephi) X 35 = 630 PC 15 had a little over 1,000 PNMs, and yes I have heard that there are more this year than last. Your number when you sign up doesn't have anything to do with how many have signed up, it's based on something else I can't remember... Say there's going to be 1,250 this year, that gives PNMs a 50% chance of bidding a house. NOW with all that being said, a good 20% of girls decide rushing isn't for them throughout the week and personally choose to drop. The other 30% usually don't have their heart in it, didnt give it their all, didn't prepare correctly/ were not ready for what they were in for etcetera. To prepare, obviously just read up a bit about what recruitment week is like, what to wear, each day's schedule, ect... Also create some talking points, your interests/stories/questions. NEVER speak about partying, drinking/smoking, any fraternities experiences / frat guys you know of, just avoid speaking about boys and booze completely. They want to know about you and what your contribution to a true sisterhood would be.
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