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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />real houses to join<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Over the years as a senior in a fraternity I have come to realize that after Freshman year after you get over the hype of "top houses" and all that you start to form a group of good friends in each house. You stop caring about which house is better and start to care about the quality of the company. From my experience the only houses really worth joining are more "middle" tier houses as they aren't stuck up, are humble, and are fun to hang out with without expecting you to treat them as if they're queens. One house (I won't name) we had an exchange with and the whole time they had crossed arms, sitting near each other, and essentially acted as if they were way better than anyone and I come from a "good" house. Trust me, you don't want to be friends with a group of girls like that. You want quality friends especially after all the time and effort you put into your house. Delta Gamma Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Gamma Delta Chi Omega These are the only houses I feel are really worth joining as they will give you the best experience in college without caring about materialistic things. Choose your house wisely as I see many girls hate their house in the end as they don't really click with the girls because they were too fake during recruitment. My two cents
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