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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Greek life is a joke<br /><br /> Poster Message:
There’s no real tiers at Villanova there’s just personal biases. There’s frats that Consensus says suck there’s frats that Consensus says rock and there’s a few in the middle that nobody can agree on. The groupies vouch and the haters hate. Nobody can come to a consensus on these middle of the road/middle to upper tier frats/ sororities because there is not enough to distinguish them. It’s not all looks because there’s good looking guys/ girls in a lot of different organizations. It’s not on parties to distinguish because courts is for the most part all the same and most houses are hit or miss When will there be more organizations on campus? A larger pool might make distinguishing between bottom/middle/top easier Also stuff changes year by year I.e. SAE used to undoubtedly run nova but now they are DTD the which is top tier or middle depends who you ask. Phi phi used to be a great sorority now they are off campus. Etc etc etc \n\n\n\n\n
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