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All of Greek life is filled with beautiful, confident young women who look to be involved in Villanova and their assorted philanthropies. Each sorority has spirit, sisterhood, intellect and love. Sororities at Villanova make this school a better place and everyone should be able to get along. The superficial rankings do nothing except pull people apart. Every sorority is a diverse group of girls and we should all be thankful for what sororities are like here. Where I am from, there is a large, local university where sororities are ruthless. There is unbelievable competition and hazing. I am extremely thankful that our Greek environment is different here at Villanova and my greatest wish is that sororities will take more time to bond with each other. Lastly, I wish people would stop spreading vicious lies about each sorority. My sorority has often been targeted by vicious rumors about hazing and whatever else, all of which are hurtful and untrue. We, as the ladies of Villanova, should put more time into showcasing the many wonderful facets of the Greek system!
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