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FIRST of all i say 1. ATO & 2. TKE.. it’s very culture based 🤦🏼‍♀️TKE and ATO have very different culture in the people they rush or the guys they attract. both have good looking guys, both have guys who have well off families, but they definitely party differently and have a different “frat aesthetic”. imo, totally subjective but i prefer tke over ato as i can’t relate to ato in their type of music, their type of hobbies they do and so that’s why you see more, id say white girls ? or very american girls go towards ato. fun guys and def have the party aspect pretty good, but tke is WILD and much more outside the box thinking when throwing parties. i feel bad they missed a semester and maybe even another one after ato or sigma chi ratted them out. If there is a difference as well tke definitely has more hookups with events and “knowing people” which is why they get Hotel free, buses free, and even formal events for the low. ATO is heavily on the come up over tke though, they’re basically the nice guys compared to tke. no clue who you can go with it depends on your taste, that is all.
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