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Greek Life

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />best theme parties?<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Who do you think has the best theme parties? Criteria is that it's at a venue. 1. Chi Phi: Even if Goes 2 Heaven is pretty underwhelming, Goes 2 Hell is the UTD party of the year, every year. It let's Chi Phi pretend for a night that they know how to party but it is fun. 2. SAE: Before they got in trouble Jungle was a lot of fun. It was far smaller than Goes 2 Hell seeing how most SAEs aren't that well known on campus, but SAE used to know how to party and it showed. 3. FIJI: Islander was overshadowed by Goes 2 Hell last time but it was still a good time, and it was a bus party which is nice. Fratsby was fun but pretty mellow. 4. Pi Kappa Phi: For a fraternity that knows how to throw a good house party their theme parties have been kinda lame. Jardi Gras was passable but 80s in Aspen was awful and pretty small. They need to work on this because normally Pikapp parties are on point. 5. DTD: Delta Force was whatever. No one takes these guys seriously still and it shows. 6. Kappa Sigma: They haven't thrown a big theme party in years due to social probation so by default this one is at the bottom.
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