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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />unbiased ratings<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Because Greek Life is young here there aren't a TON of factors that separate the Fraternities (despite that they may think). Rather than doing a 1-6 rating I'll just explain each category all in one place for you PNMs. Kappa Sigma Looks - Kappa Sig has mostly average guys. But looks aren't a factor at UTD right now. Popularity - Kappa Sigma has been hurt by all of the trouble its been in the past few years, and are struggling to claw their way out of obscurity. They have potential, but right now aren't that well known. Classiness - Depends on who in this Fraternity you meet. Involvement - They're big on Boxathon, their philanthropy, which is hugely successful. You will see Kappa Sig present at campus events (like trunk or treat, greek week). Social life - They party quite a bit, but their lack of popularity holds it back from being huge. Brotherhood - You'd have to ask a brother, but they don't seem to dislike each other.
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