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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />i am here to rush, please begin bidding<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Greetings. I am currently a 30 year old about to go to college for the first time. I was hoping to RUSH beginning at this exact moment, which all of my friends say isn't a good idea due to my age. I DISAGREE. I only weigh 200 pounds and at 5' my body is ZEE FINEST. I am also super rich as my family comes from a long line of the royal family in England. Perhaps you Peasants have heard of them? Princess Kate is my sister in law. Anyway. I plan on attending none of the social events while I am in a chapter so that way my fines will go to pay for the good of the chapter and world peace! Please let me know if anyone is interested in bidding on me. I will post every day for a week as I have heard that is how long RUSH lasts. I expect to be a very hot commodity.
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