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retention rates also give false perception of a "good" house. If a house always recruits from the same high schools/areas and recruits a vast majority of girls from Tennessee that are already friends and/or takes a lot of legacies then chances are their retention rates will be better...its an easier adjustment. A house that takes a lot of different girls that don't all know each other already or come from out of state may have more drop out due to a tough time adjusting to sorority and college in general, adjusting to living in a new state, making all brand new friends, being homesick. I am not saying that everyone doesn't experience that even if you are from Tennessee but it is ALOT different coming to school and not knowing ANYONE as opposed to already having a group of girls that you know well. Back to my original point, retention rates do not make a house good or bad. You have to look at other factors and what kind of girls they recruit.
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