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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />who cares<br /><br /> Poster Message:
What do you gain by "ranking" on here other than a false sense that you are better than some other imaginary tier. Will you explain to your boss that you were in a top tier ? Sounds dangerous for fear they were at another school where your sorority was terrible. Will you tell your boyfriend he should marry you since you were in a top tier? ( even though it's possible you were ONLY picked because you were a legacy) Will you tell your neighbors they should be happy that you will be living in their neighborhood because you were in a top tier ( in your mind). I'm pretty sure they thought theirs was pretty good too. Will you compare notes of your houses "greatness". Will your parents live longer, will it prevent you from divorcing, will it prevent you from having sick children, or heartache? Probably not. It's four years of your life ... That is it. And you are spending your time trying to build yourself up, rather than trying to build up greek life here. Think about it. Do we really need to do this?
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