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Okay. Thanks for trying to defend me and mine, haha. <3 I like the positivity discussion; did you start it? You seem like you're pretty familiar with all of this, but I'm just guessing about the discussion. Do you have any ideas for how we can add more camaraderie to this website at all? I imagine that first year girls stumble across it like I did and are pretty turned off by the negativity and then think Greek life is a big uncomfortable competition. Even I feel competitive about it sometimes, and it scares me. Did you know we have only about 700ish girls rushing this year, which is down about 200-300 from last year? I don't want to co-big, haha. x) I didn't know it was so weird to tell everyone what sorority you're in, but I'm glad that I did because the reaction is really interesting? Like think about it. It could have been, "oh, look at this girl she clearly loves her sorority the same way i love my sorority. we all think we're in the best sorority so that means rush is a good placement system. greek life is such a beautiful thing," but instead it was, "look at this arrogant girl that is daring to think her sorority is hot stuff. let's show her how wrong she is and accuse her organization of building themselves up in a bad way?" Lol, I can't even word the negative reaction correctly. I just think the general reaction was kind of frightening and that pnms see it when they find gathering places like this. Help me brainstorm a solution?
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