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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />fall recruitment predictions <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Since recruitment begins tomorrow let's predict how this years pledge classes will be. Delta Delta Delta will still have the most attractive pledge class, they always do. But they lost quite a bit of members last year due to their poor sisterhood so who knows if they'll be able to keep them. Sigma Kappas will still be the pretty girls who didn't quite get into Tri Delt. SK has the worst sisterhood of any chapter and any girl with a friend in SK who talks about the awful things they do can attest to this. Delta Gamma has improved so much in the past three years. Their membership has tripled and their pledge class last year was full of cute girls. If they keep growing that this rate this will surpass Theta. DG is on an upward slope. Kappa Alpha Theta has been here nearly as long as Tri Delta and they're still a bottom house. People talk about DG being cemented in last place but Theta is much worse. Last years pledge class was mediocre at best, and I can't seem them doing any better this year. Alpha Omicron Pi will take their rightful place as bottom house. They may be popular for a couple of years simply because of the hype associated with being a new chapter, but based on the girls they have now, they're going nowhere fast. What do you guys think? Good luck to all ladies going through recruitment! Choose wisely!
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