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Poster Name:
rank to end all ranks

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />im done with the bs<br /><br /> Poster Message:
kd (sorry theyre top and thats how i personally see it) aphi (yall crusty wannabe queen bees but it is what it is) tri delt (big question mark for yall but ya chill, not always relevant though) dg(youre going downhill and ya gotta lotta crackheads) zeta (honestly chill but have a lot of drama internally, also tryhards to rise up the ranks) axo (youre trying to be dg stop) adpi (smart but wild, not the sweet girls adpi used to be-- very diverse so its a mixed bag) sk (good lord weird crazy people, havent recruited well in a while.) gamma phi (no bs but think they are cooler than they are) theta ( babes youre doing ok here but stop trying to elevate yourselves) pi phi (who? yall weird) kkg (honestly getting better) chi o (yeah bye)
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