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Poster Name:
Max the Mouse

Poster Message:
Your chances will decrease in the case of houses who have the policy of once cut, always cut during recruitment. These homes (and you will never know which ones so please do not ask) make your list of possibilities shorter but not entirely impossible. Hopefully you have kept a high GPA and enjoy a good overall social rep on campus. Your finances should also be ready for the commitment. Prepare and practice a short and simple explanation for those who may inquire of your past sorority membership, making sure you never bad-mouth your former group. Prepare a second valid explanation for women of the very home you dropped, as they especially might inquire. Never dwell on the past, and have a smooth/positive segue convo ready if someone tries to pin you down about it. As you are aware from prior rush KEEPING AN OPEN MIND is absolutely imperative. Follow all recruitment rules and policies to the letter for your best percentage shot at another bid. You already know it only takes one bid to belong, and here's hoping a second bid in is your future.
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