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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />top tier<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Kappa, Tridelt, and Theta are all top. NONE of them are slipping or going anywhere because no other sorority is even close and they all have different girls. Kappa: Recruits using glitter and glue, really pretty OR really smart (they have lots of unattractive girls) But they are probably the most involved of the three and have the most outgoing girls lets be real. Tridelta: lets face it, tridelta has the prettiest girls.. too bad we never see them because they are so uninvolved on campus and have low grades. But they also have one of the cutest houses and the girls in general are fun. Theta: Don't we all wish we could have their chapter GPA. Easily the smartest and very involved. Theyre just not very attractive and a lot of people think half theyre girls are weird af. They did kill it in the greek week dance though. The two next closes are theta phi and pi phi.
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