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Poster Name:
This is stupid

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />this is stupid<br /><br /> Poster Message:
To everyone asking "how hard will it to be to get a bid" or "do I have a chance at Kappa" or w/e, here's some breaking new: those aren't the only three sororities on campus... And no one can give you a real assessment about how likely it is you'll get into a certain house because we DONT have a picture of you, we don't know how many legacies for a certain house your up against, etc. Reality is there are so many factors that go into the process. Sometimes its luck of the draw on who from a house you meet and how well you connect or don't connect with them. They may also be too nice or too mean with their assessment of you in voting. The best thing you can do is just GO THROUGH recruitment, and see where you end up. The process works really well. You don't wanna be in a "top house" if that means you won't fit in or you arent liked...
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