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Poster Name:
Proud Greek

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />don't believe everything you read<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Do not trust this site. It is not an accurate representation of Cal Greek life. Yes, there are "top" houses, but this site does not reflect them accurately. The only way to find out about the "real" rankings is to join the Greek system and see what your brothers and sisters are saying. Even then, do not join a house based on reputation. Join a house because you feel like you fit in with the people there. Even "bottom tier" houses have fun parties with hot girls/guys. Every group has attractive and not-so-attractive members, leaders and followers. The notion that stereotypes are true does nothing for Greek unity and all of this house-bashing makes all of us look bad. This site does not require any personal information or registration, so people are free to rate as much as they want. The ratings are skewed because of self-ranking and sabotage. I would guess that less than half of the comment's here are genuine. Plus, even if a negative comment is genuine, it was that person's subjective, personal experience. Others may have had a completely opposite experience. If you are smart enough to get into Cal, do not let this stupid site influence your decisions. It is basically fraternities and sororities bashing each other, trying to make their own house look good.
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