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Poster Name:
Tara Roldan

Poster Message:
So I've been working for this accounting firm for close to 3 years now and ever since I joined sales had steadily been going up. Things seemed to be moving nicely till this new audit firm decided to set up right across the street from us. We thought it didn't matter because we already made name for ourselves but those guys took us by surprise. In less than a year they had already started making crazy sales and generally become high demand in market for clients while we kept struggling. So I decided to go online and just randomly search for how we could boost our business. I found this guy called people had recommended him so I decided to give it a try. He helped us using zero day exploit to get into our competitors data system, we were able to take back our clients through this method and boost back sales. If you are looking for his level of sophistication reach out to him for quick solutions.
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