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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Addressing Racism and Discriminatory Actions <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Tau Kappa Epsilon is committed to upholding the values of love, charity, and esteem in all that we do. It is with great seriousness and a heavy heart that we address the recent events involving a former Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart and members of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Reports of racially discriminatory language and behavior are deeply troubling and run counter to everything for which Tau Kappa Epsilon stands. We unequivocally condemn racism and discrimination in any form and have a zero-tolerance policy towards such behavior. The actions reported are not only unacceptable but are also in direct violation of our fraternity’s principles and ethical standards. Effective immediately, Tau Kappa Epsilon will discontinue any association with Pi Beta Phi. We are profoundly disappointed by these events and are currently reviewing our policies and relationships to ensure that our fraternity remains a welcoming and inclusive community for all individuals. We are committed to taking necessary actions and fostering dialogues that reinforce our core values and promote understanding and respect across all groups. We stand resolute in our commitment to ensure our members, and those we associate with, reflect the ideals of Tau Kappa Epsilon. We sincerely apologize to anyone who has been hurt by these actions and thank our community for their ongoing support and vigilance in these efforts. Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity PI-XI Chapter
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