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Well the first message pretty much covered everything but there are a few things I want to add. Even though your chapters philanthropy is only once a quarter/year, we all go out to the other chapters philanthropies and support them as well. These are usually once a twice or week depending on how they are spread out. There is also ISS sports which is usually every other week-ish. Its not required that you go to everything but you definitely wont be bored. lol Also for hazing, my chapter takes it super seriously and like the poster above, my experience was quite the opposite. They provided us with multiple people to contact if we thought we were being hazed and ensured if we did report it within the chapter it would be strictly confidential. Then of course we were showered with gifts and invited places, our meals were paid for... being a pledge was pretty awesome lol So recruitment was pretty fun, it started to get tiring towards the end, but it was definitely worth it. My advise for that is if you really love a chapter, but they drop you, don't dwell on it. Would you really want to spend your life with a bunch of girls that don't really like you? Or would you rather go to a chapter where everyone loves you and you all get along? Think of it like a guy... would you rather date a guy with a good personality and be his first choice? Or a maybe slightly better looking guy that you barely know's last choice? (in a long term relationship that is)
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