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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />auburn family....<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Please remember that when you talk about people on here you are talking about actual human beings. These people and groups are all part of your FAMILY, these are the people you make awkward eye contact with and smile at on the concourse, the people you randomly hug and cheer with at exciting football games, the people you say WAR EAGLE to for no reason at all. It is NOT OKAY for you to come on here and describe members of your family as being "low quality girls" or "low quality guys". I mean what the HELL does that even mean?? No one at Auburn is "low quality". We are all members of the most amazing school in the world and all getting amazing educations. I refuse to stand by and watch randos describe people like that just because they have a bias about a particular group (maybe they were cut?). Idk how someone could possibly think like that and then feel like its okay to post on a public site, but it has to stop. WAR DAMN AUBURN FAMILY! We stick together.
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