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That no one has replied. Auburn greek life is going to make pledgeship nothing for fraternities and continue to make boys remain boys just because their helicopter parents call. Has anyone noticed how each class gets worse and worse - they have no respect for women, no respect for the work their older brothers and the work they have done for their chapters and a general sense of entitlement. Their parents cry their grades are bad because of house hours, driving, etc without considering that baby boy is out getting drunk every night and not going to class. When I was a pledge I was too tired to get drunk every night or I had to study , drive brothers or be at the house at 6 am for flag football practice. Did it stink? Hell yes,but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It made me appreciate so much and most important I respect every brother and PLEGDE brother in my fraternity. We were certainly tired (no physical abuse) but just like special force guys we worked through it and for each other. PS I am not a baby genius and have learning disabilities - learned hard work way back and my best GPA was during my pledgeship - 3.8 in COSAM.
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