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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />just my thoughts<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I high key get annoyed with this website bc all it ever seems do to is promote negativity. Regardless of which chapter you are apart of, each is a great organization and you should wear your letters with pride. Who tf cares what these wannabes on greekrank think? You do you. The same people who put others down on here obviously have WAY too much free time on their hands, and they should probs be working on bettering themselves if anything. Having gone thru recruitment last spring, my friends and I went ALL over - literally at least one of us ended up in one of the six sororitys. Each are great chapters, and have their own distinctive flavor. I get “ranks” and “tiers” are something people seem to care about, but what matters most at the end of the day is that YOU feel at home with your respective sorority. No chapter on here deserves the hate they get - sure, some have messed up more than others recently, but have y’all never heard of GROWTH??! Build each other up, girls. This isn’t a competition.
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