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Alum Member

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />to pnms who were released<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I've met a lot of PNMs this week who were released entirely from recruitment after Rounds 2 and 3. For them, I am sure, looking at all these women lamenting losing one house on their schedule that they liked must be heartbreaking. PNMs, if you had any houses who kept you until prefs, who saw something in you and valued it - you should be so very proud. That's an accomplishment. Complaining and whining that it's not the house you think you deserve only makes it very clear that the house that kept you deserves better than reluctant, whiny new members and hurts the women who may have LOVED that house but been dropped from it. PNMs who were released entirely - please, please, do not turn your anger and disappointment into hatred for the Greek system as a whole. What happens during recruitment does not in any way correlate to your individual self worth. You are beautiful, brilliant, funny, and engaging and you are absolutely deserving of sisterhood and love. Just because you fell through the cracks this year does not devalue you as a person. I know from experience that it's hard to pick yourself up and move on after something as painful as a full release, and I know you may be rightfully angry and blaming the entire system. But everything does happen for a reason, and there are thousands of ways to get involved at UF. A sorority is one way, but not the only way. Please continue to chase your passions - do Gator Growl staff, do DM, volunteer, be a RA or a TA - don't let this one
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