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thanks two cents

Poster Message:
As a Mom, I appreciate your response. I can't believe what some people have said in all these threads. It sounds as though you have a great Mom. Ultimately I think that all the Mom comments here come from the heart and the love that we feel for our daughter. My daughter accepted a bid from a mid-level tier after a lot of drama regarding and from the top tier houses. She is so happy and I am for her. I am not assuming that all girls in the top tier are all the same but I do not like what my daughter went through as well as what I have heard from other Mom's. If my daughter was being judged on what name brand she wore, how her make-up was done, how fit she was, etc... then I am SO grateful and blessed she did not get the pref invite to those top tier places. My daughter would have been miserable trying to maintain a certain façade. I am grateful to those sisters who saw my daughter for who she was and have welcomed her into their house. She is exactly where she should be. I do believe that everything happens for a reason. To all the Mom's out there, your daughter will be fine regardless of where she ends of because she has you to lean on in the good and bad times. That means more than all of this!
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