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Poster Name:
Honest XO Sister

Poster Message:
I'm in one of the chapters you mentioned and I'm going to come straight out and say that if you go into recruitment looking to get into the two most popular chapters on campus, don't be surprised when you're disappointed. I'm 100% happy and thrilled where I am, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't be 100% happy and thrilled to be in a different chapter if my recruitment had turned out that way. I have friends in the Panhellenic community and let me be the first to tell you that the "rankings" aren't all they're cracked up to be and just because these chapters are ranked more "highly" doesn't mean you're going to have a better experience in them or find a better sisterhood in them than in the other chapters on campus. There are such sweet, kind, sisterly girls in more than two chapters on this campus and you're doing a disservice to yourself and the whole Greek community by being so focused on a couple of the chapters. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that any PNM would like to be part of my group, but at the same time I think that getting into certain "highly ranked" groups shouldn't be anyone's main focus. It's the wrong focus to have. The only way that the rankings would matter to you so much is if you're someone whose main concern is about gaining fake/perceived prestige, but in that case I wouldn't want you as my sister anyway. So my honest recommendation would be to get an attitude adjustment.
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