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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />brutally honest fraternity rankings<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Fraternity rush is this week so if any incoming freshman who doesn't know a lick about geek life should read this before deciding which Fraternity to join. I graduated UofL last year so I am going to give you the consensus Fraternity ranking among the general UofL population because I've seen some BS post putting some lower/middle tier in top tier. Top Tier: Sigma Chi, SAE, Pike, Phi Tau (no order) Middle tier: Kappa Sig, Phi Deltt, Sig Ep, LXA (no order) Bottom: Triangle, DU, etc If anyone disagrees with this list you're in denial because you're Fraternity isn't as good as the others but don't lie to these ignorant freshman coming in thinking Kappa Sig or Phi Delt can actually compete with the top tier fraternities because there's a huge drop off after #4-#5
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