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It might be too late now, but this goes as a word of caution to LMU ladies for future years: When I was a freshman I rushed, and on pref I got invited back to both my first- and last- choice sororities. Tons of pressure, right? I got a bid from my last-choice sorority and was crushed, but followed everyone's advice and tried to "make the most of it". Throughout the semester, I lied to myself, trying to convince myself that I was having a good time. In reality I was miserable and just didn't "click" with my sisters. When we hung out, I (and other girls, too) relied on alcohol to try to make the social aspect of it more enjoyable. Newsflash: sisters should NOT need alcohol to tolerate each other. That sorority just wasn't where I belonged and I knew it deep down since rush. Eventually I got initiated, still hoping that it would work out. BAD DECISION. 2 semesters later I dropped. Having already been initiated into a chapter, I could no longer join any other sororities. Looking back, I wish I had followed my heart and declined my bid in the hope of later joining my top-choice sorority, a service org, or another organization. I would have been much happier. The moral of the story? Trust your gut instinct!
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