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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Truth About Ranks<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Repost because it’s the truth! There is not an 11 spot “ranking” here. It’s a college with a small Greek life in the Northeast. It’s not that serious to get specific. There are 3 groups (plus the newest)- SDT/ADPI/DZ/ZETA- often stalk PNM social media, They haze to the point that new members are miserable and quit, expect new members to drop everything to get them what they want, many treat each other horribly, love to party, very concerned with appearance and status, The ones that stay think it’s worth it to wear certain Greek letters on their shirt for 4 years. Not every girl in these sororities is like this but enough of them are to make this the general vibe. It is a constant attempt to elevate their social status which some people are into so it works for them. 

AXO is new and trying to get a cohesive group but with so many differences right now many girls are not happy and drop. 

DephiE/PSS- not your typical college girls, not into partying as much, don’t haze, don’t stalk SM, not as concerned about how they look, generally kind to each other, eclectic interests. There are girls looking for this type of group and for them it’s probably a good fit.

 SK/KD/AXID/ChiO- don’t haze, don’t stalk SM, some issues among the girls but pretty typical for issues with groups of girls, most like to party, mix of emphasis on appearance and interests but more typical than not, some require more driving/restrictions on new members than others. Works for girls who can tolerate some BS.
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