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So not all of the sororities do informal rush. Not all of the ones who have done in the past will do it every year. I know that DG, DZ, Phi Mu, and Sigma all did it last spring. If others did it, I did not hear about it. It's much different from fall formal recruitment. Obviously, one is formal and one is informal (duh), but formal recruitment is much more of a process. You get an "equal" chance with each different chapter, it's a much more structured process, with certain rounds and Bid Day and everything. Spring is different in that it's not a big process. Obviously you've seen the chalking and the events and booths that the sororities have displayed. This is not the case in the spring. Informal is different in that you almost have to know someone else in the sorority. You don't have to, but it helps to even figure out which ones are doing informal. Informal for sororities is similar to how guys do recruitment. There is a calendar of events that the chapter will put on certain events and invite girls who are interested to join. If you go to a most of the events and you've made a connection with the girls and you're grades are on par, you will most likely get a bid. Again, not all chapters have informal. It just depends on whether or not they reached quota in the fall, or if girls dropped after getting a bid in the fall. Hope I helped! :)
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