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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />racism / lack of diversity <br /><br /> Poster Message:
So like before I started this process an older friend told me not to get my hopes up, because only 1 or 3 girls of colors get into one chapter. However, by the second round I saw a lot less people of color and my the 3rd round there was barely any, despite there being a lot during open house. Now, I personally got dropped after preference round, but my on friend said there is like 11 maybe 13 girls of color at bid day. Also, during one’s chapter open house, me and the only other noticeable brown girl where off t the corner away from everyone else and all the sisters that passed us didn’t want even look at us. So yeah, consider that my brown friends, they may have some girls, but in the fact end people tend to favor their own kind.
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