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Poster Name:
Iowa Greek

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />cmon guys<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I think that this website is a GIANT joke full of very rude, shallow and insecure people only interested in tearing each other down. Which, by the way, is not what Greek life is all about. Every house, frat or sorority, has a lot of redeeming qualities and their members enjoy being a part of it. Isn't that all that should matter? Does a ranking honestly change your life significantly? Does being in a "top" or "bottom" house determine anything about you personally? No, none of it really matters. That's why I think the ranking system is detrimental to demonstrating a unified front as Greek members. The university clearly hasn't supported Greek life in the past, so I don't understand why we make it easier for them to restrict the things we can do by feeding into the negative stereotypes associated with Greek life. Ex. tiers, cattiness, etc. And for what do we give things up for? A meaningless rank on a bs website? Doesn't make sense to me whatsoever. No one cares what Greek rank says about your house, it's artificial information with no substance in poor taste. Come on guys, we can be better than this.
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