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post rush

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top: phi psi, phi delt, sigma nu, sig ep upper: sigma chi, PIKE, sigma pi middle: pi kapp, delts, beta, delta chi lower: lambda chi, FIJI, TKE, AEPi my opinion: phi delt may be on probation for the semester, but they still have the best house/biggest chapter/most successful philanthropy. sigma nu's tailgate made it to tfm, and now that SAE's gone kappa, g phi, and chi o are literally fighting for chances to social with sig ep. if that's not top tier, i don't know what is. sigma chi's '' this close to losing their charter as well. i'd honestly be surprised if they're here in a year. obviously sigma pi's a strong chapter, but there's only so much you can do without a house. pi kappa phi, beta theta pi, and delta tau delta all took in pretty big pledge classes this year, and from my experiences they're all pretty solid. whether or not they'll be able to keep them remains to be seen, but i'd say if any mid to lower tier frats have a chance at being up and coming it's them. delta chi got like 9 pledges, of which none are really that impressive but their older guys are all really solid. the rest are all pretty bad
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