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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />cease and dessit ordered on sig ep<br /><br /> Poster Message: The above link is the recent article ordering Sig Ep to cease and desist all chapter operation while under investigation. A Quinnipiac University fraternity is under investigation by the school following an incident that occurred over the weekend. The school served Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) a cease and desist order over the weekend, school officials said in a statement. “The university issued a cease and desist order to Sigma Phi Epsilon over the weekend while it investigates allegations regarding the fraternity’s process for new members,” said Lynn Bushnell, vice president for public affairs. “We have zero tolerance for any behavior which threatens the safety and security of any member of the university community.” The school has not released any more details about what occurred. Earlier this month, Quinnipiac’s SigEp brothers gained national attention when a video went viral showing them carrying their brother with a rare disorder up Sleeping Giant Mountain. In December, another Quinnipiac fraternity, Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) was temporarily shut down by the university due to hazing allegations.
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