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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />ok everyone stop<br /><br /> Poster Message:
not a fan of this website at all & have no clue the type of people that actually come on here but i feel like this needed to be posted. if you're a new zeta i know you're excited (trust me i got a bid last night too) but i think some of the posts have gone a little too far. yes, we got some awesome beautiful girls last night, but we still have to respect the fact that we are NEW. think of it like being a freshman in high school. please respect the fact that all of these chapters have worked very hard and continue to work very hard to establish their place in the greek system here. it's not right to say that we are automatically a top house. it has not even been 24 hours since you received a bid so just please remember to be humble, gracious, and considerate of the other chapters. we want to start off on the right foot, don't we?
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