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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />bid day<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I really do not feel at home at all at the sorority I got a bid to, I saw girls in it that I talked to during pref round and it seemed like they were ignoring I was even there. I also saw girls I talked to previous rounds and said something about how I talked to her before and she acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. It just doesn't feel like I was even memorable to them and the only reason I got in was because I had to go somewhere if I maximized my options so I went there. I just don't see myself fitting in at all with these girls and when I see pictures of other girls on bid day I get sad because I don't feel that way at all. I just feel like trusting the system is a whole bunch of BS and this is not the types of girls I'd ever hang out with normally. How do I tell them I feel this way and want out????
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