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to all potentials... when a lot of these fraternities you hear about are being called the bottom of the barrel thats pretty inaccurate/unfair. When you look at the fact that Ohio State really does have ALOT of fraternities it's kinda like this; TOP:PhiPsi,TKE (space because they are very different) Delt, Phi Delt, Kappa Sigma, Pike, SAE. These are the guys that ever get to hangout with the best sorority girls within their own control, granted they will pick Phi Psi or TKE over Pike or SAE 9.5/10, but all these guys still do things with them. Middle: ATO, Sigma Chi, <<SigEp>>, AEPi, Fiji, Sigma Pi, Delta Sig maybe Delta Chi. These guys get to hangout with the middle tier girls on occasion when those girls arent busy with the top ones, and hangout with the lower sororities pretty regularly. Lower: Phi Tau, Chi Phi, Lambda Chi, AGR, and then all the rest. These are the guys who are truly completely irrelevant and when a sister tells us she is dating one we pretty much write him off as a GDI. While there might be a cute member in these every so often, the best they do is hangout with the bottom tier sororities when even they are hard up and bored, so you'd basically be paired with another fraternity to have a TG with Aopi, not fun.
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