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i feel like greek week could be so fun if it was a fall semester event. i know it's always been done in the spring, but i feel like in the fall with football and block and all the newness of coming back to college, greek life is also more lively! if it was in the fall, there could be outdoor activities, cookouts, a concert, a big philanthropy event, etc. whoever is planning greek week now is seriously dropping the ball. there could even be marketing for autumn informal and frat rushing as well as spring recruitment to get more people in the ohio state community involved in the amazing greek system here. even though we definitely have our flaws, i think all the councils are definitely coming together as one to support one another due to the recent university sanctions. however, i think it also needs to go both ways. when frats and sororities aren't interested in participating in planned events, it's our own fault for not making the most of it. with more interest shown, the greek councils could maybe start pulling off bigger events from the success of the previous years. even though i love greek life at a midwestern school where it's not the entire culture, i do wish greek week was more involved like at a southern school.
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